
Plein d'étoiles

Jeudi 25 octobre 2007 à 21:01

"Dis, Nana
les sentiments humains sont instables,
tout ce que l'on voit de nos yeux n'est qu'illusion
et il n'y a rien là qui soit exact
pourtant, même si on a l'impression que la lune n'est pas entière
en réalité, elle est bien là et elle n'a pas changé.
Ne l'oublie jamais..."

Une pensée toute particulière pour mon Chandi...
Encore merci pour le 7.8! <3

Mercredi 24 octobre 2007 à 22:08

Et l'étoile qui peu à peu devient poussière...

Naïveté cachée. D'un clin d'oeil, elle espère.Fermant les yeux pour que tout s'évapore. Se laissant aller, tout s'envole et l'espoir ressurgit. Bercée par ses doux songes, elle s'échappe enfin. Seules les chimères l'aident à surmonter ses tristes pensées. Mais, rattrapée par le temps, la réalité la secoue de nouveau. Il lui faut trouver la clef.

Essayer de garder la tracer. Et rayer ses choses-là. Faire le tri dans tout ça. Et arrêter de s'attacher à n'importe quoi.
[Aide- moi à n'plus être naïve, t'as la solution toi hein?]

Ecouter mon coeur?

Samedi 20 octobre 2007 à 19:19

Vois-tu cette étoile? Elle est là, tout près. Tends le bras... Tu la sens désormais?
Laisse toi envahir par cette sensation. Bien être inconsidéré que peux t'apporter ce monde rêvé. Sans le contrôler,
tu sembles seulement vouloir t'échapper de cette réalité. Mais ne te laisse jamais troublé par ces sombres pensées.
Car tout peut toujours très vite s'effondrer... Aies seulement ce courage, celui qui te permet de toujours y croire...

 Accroche-toi, à ce rêve magique, là où, ton sourire resplendit...

Allez viens, naviguons. Laissons nous ravir par la folie de l'espace infini.
Sans un mot, voler de nouveau. Et respirer. Sentir ce vent délicat.
Voguer avec comme unique but, de vivre émerveillés.

 Ne m'laissez pas tomber plus bas.

Mardi 2 octobre 2007 à 21:25

She was only four years old. The attitude of her young age, made her hope still in something. Everywhere, she was discreet, always behind her big brother, who wanted to take all the attention. He didn't want a sister, he had lived alone some years and he had loved that. When she had arrived, he was not really glad, but he must have accepted to give her, her own place. She had now taken her place, and showed that she didn't need anyone,

she was very autonomous in spite of her very young age.

The day after of her fourth year, all was changed. Indeed, she did not know that, this famous day, I would arrive. I was not exceptionnal but I was the thing that she would have wanted since she was born : a sister. She could not believe that I had arrived. I remember her eyes. Her beautiful eyes full of kindness and love. It was amazing what she could bring with each of her steps. She was amazing, and she is still amazing. She was in charge of me, and she has played with me so much. She showed me what I could or could not do. She was my model : she led me in the good way. I could not do anything without her point of view. She was all for me. She was strong and I admired her. If she wanted to do something, I wanted straight away the same thing. Some thought I had not personality, but that was not the case,

I just thought through her.

The more she grew up, the more she wanted to de independente. I did not understand, I did not see the difference, I was so young.  I wanted always to be with her, but she wanted always to be far from me. That was hard. I cried and she was tired of me. It was the beginning of a long fight between us. Each grew at her rate, that's why there were many problems of comprehension. Always the word to hurt the other. Underline our differences, and in the way to hurt, underline the other's fault. I wanted just the conflict because that was the only way for her to look at me... And one day, she left me. She could not put up with me any more. That was too much. I did not want that, I was so sorry, but I could not tell her.

I was lost without her.

Nevertheless, as she had left, we could speak normally, I was so joyful. There were no conflicts any more : the war was over. Since always, I trust her so much and I knew I could tell her all I wanted. And one day, I was so surprised. She has never been able to trust me, because of my ‘non-respect' of the secret. But that day, she has cried in front of me, and told me what was wrong. I was listening to her. I was sad for her. She is like a part of me. Now, she knows that I'll be there for her. She knows that she can tell me what she wants, I can keep a secret. I have just grown up.  Day after day, our relation is better and sometimes, only one look is enough for us to understand the other...

 I love you...

Vendredi 28 septembre 2007 à 19:09

« One day, you'll be great. » Her voice was ringing in me. Perhaps she's right. No, she's only nice. She has always given me some hope, but I was sure that I'll never do something of my life. I couldn't move. I can't still move. They come, and come again, always smiling. But I don't want their pitty. I'm not so different. I'm like everybody with my particularities. But in the world, everybody is different, no? Whatever the skin, whatever the country, whatever the religion, each one must be considerated only like a person. Each person has her own place. Nonetheless everybody knows that the world is unfair and the law of the strongest is always present. We live in the jungle. The urban jungle. Can we really survive? I survive since I was born, even if it's not everyday easy. But life is a fight of everyday. I have always been a cliabily for my parents, I was not like everybody, I was not “normal”. And nowadays, you must be normal to be accepted, everybody knows that. That's also why, several times during my short and not interesting life, I wanted to pass away, but she was always here. In front of her eyes, I was always. Throughout her eyes, I lived. Everyday I saw her. She made me dream. She simply helped me to forget the reality, a strong reality. She was all and I was nothing. Nevertheless, my biggest fear became real when I was not waiting for. Everyday she came at the same hour. But this morning, she didn't come...

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